I know, I know…it’s been a while. Every time I thought I was going to sit down and have a chance to write I always got sidetracked by something else. That’s just been life lately.
Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum Take 3
In July I talked some friends into going to TALA. They’ve never been, I’ve been there twice already and I just love the place. Since the last time I went they’ve added a lot to the normal tour I’ve taken, so I was excited to see those new places. We also ended up going on another tour – which was totally new to me.

I highly suggest anyone take a tour of this place if they ever are in the area. As I said before, I completely love the building.
You can see more of the pictures I took during the tours, you can see them here.
Liz Weekend
I oddly had a Friday and Saturday off last month. I knew my brother had my niece for his “summer vacation” with her, so I asked if I could have her for a couple days. She came up Thursday night and stayed with us until Saturday afternoon. These days off were during the Hall Of Fame week – actually it was at the end of that week. So she was here for the grand parade that closes out the week of events. We did take her to that – which was a lot of fun. I’ve only lived in Canton for 1 year as of the end of July, and last year I worked during all the HOF events. It was nice to be able to attend them this year.
The Friday she was here I had a work meeting. So she thought she was super special since she had to sit in on a meeting and listen to a bunch of kitchen talk and specials. After the meeting was over we went to the mall. I finally broke down and told her that I was taking her to Build-A-Bear. I knew she had never been to one before. She did tell me an interesting and odd story that her mom wanted to go, but none of the kids were going to get anything just her mom because it was her birthday. Let’s just say, I don’t get along with her mom and that kind of proves why I don’t. Anyways, I knew it wasn’t going to be a cheap trip, but it was fun. She bought an outfit and I bought everything else. Which included another outfit, pajamas, slippers, a sleeping bag, a brush and shoes.
As I said before we ended the weekend with her by going to the grand parade.

Last weekend we were in Kentucky for a wedding. If you’ve been reading my blog very long, you know we went to Louisville a few years ago and had fun. Well the wedding was in Bowling Green, which is around 1 hour south of Louisville. The wedding was Saturday. So we left Ohio at around 1am Saturday morning. We got into Bowling Green at around 8am. We helped them set up a little and went to check in at our hotel. That was followed by a short nap. We met up with one of our friends to check out downtown Bowling Green before the wedding. So we stayed in Bowling Green Saturday night and we got up Sunday morning and drove to Louisville, where we had a hotel for Sunday night. Sunday we pretty much looked around downtown at closing stores, which was sad but I still enjoyed the time away. Monday we headed home, but we stopped at Jungle Jim’s on the way back. This is seriously one of the best places to ever visit. We were there for nearly 4 hours. It ended in a bill of $300. It was well worth it though. We stocked up on soy sauce and rice. We bought 25lbs of rice for $16.00.
As always…I have pictures of the trip.
My boyfriend was in the wedding, I was just kind of there.
Finally had a White Castle veggie. It was well worth it!
I finally bought my Lisa frank shoes. It takes me back to childhood.
Sunday night we got dressed up and went to on a nice dinner date. The food was amazing.
I took this during the drive home.
A Work In Progress
There are some things you just know you’ll never be finished with and they’ll forever be a work in progress. That’s how I’m feeling like now about my little craft/computer room. There’s still so much I want to do to it. The major thing is finding a loveseat of some kind so I can get rid of the bed that’s just sitting there. The idea of putting a loveseat (or coach) is for the kids when they come and stay. Plus I kind of hang out in the room when I’m by myself. So I finally have pictures of what it’s like so far – but none of the floor because there’s still stuff on the floor that needs homes.
This is my pin board. I’m ordering a new pin board. I started enjoying pins in the late teens and still have a lot of those. I also signed up for Brat Box – which I am LOVING.
So with having to travel to the wedding, it has kind of thrown me out of the every night dinner thing we were doing. There are some basic things I have to go to the grocery store for and I just don’t want to really.
I’ve thought about writing a post all about how I plan for dinners and keep everything in order. I’ve thrown that idea around a while ago and just didn’t do it because I don’t know if anyone would really want to read my ramblings about what I do to plan dinner when I work a 40+ hour job. Since I have a new printer and can actually print calendars out and everything, that may finally be that push I needed to write that blog. My sister-in-law asked me about how I do it and I explained it to her and made her a binder like the one I use to plan.
Sweet Potato & Quinoa burrito bowl
Horror, Ice Cream & Nails
So if you know anything about it, you know my love for Jason Voorhees. Not just my love for him, but my love for the guy who has played him the most – Kane Hodder. I knew about this documentary last year and was so excited to find out more about him, as well as support him even more. I’ve loved the fact that he has been given speaking roles and roles beyond ones based on heavy stunts – I do totally understand that’s where he started and love that. Anyways my order of the documentary finally came and I watched it the night I bought it. Yes, I did end up crying while I watched it.
This documentary is something every horror fan should watch.
While I’m talking about horror, I subscribed to the Coffin Box. In each box you get a shirt and movie, along with some other items. Well I received the second box…
And I am beyond happy with the box this time. The shirt is perfect and I can’t wait to wear it to see the new Halloween film! I’m still trying to find the perfect place for my little blade.
And Saturday I adopted a new Jason.
So, a new weeks ago my sister-in-law came up to have a girls day. We all know I don’t really do girlie things. Don’t ask me anything about eye shadow or…*insert make-up term here*… because I don’t know any of that. As close to make-up as I get is the fact that I own some nail polish.
Since I work in a kitchen I can’t paint my nails at home because we all know how bad they chip and it would just be a waste of time. So when she came up I paid for us to go get our nails done. First time for both of us and it was fun. I have kitchen nails – short nails that are usually stained by some kind of juice.
I suggested my middle finger be fun because I use it a lot.
Yesterday my DNA kit came and I did it was soon as I got home so it could be in the mail today. I’ll be waiting 6-8 weeks for any kind of feedback from them. This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. They’re around $59 on Amazon right now, so I just went ahead and bought it. I’m just wondering if there will be any surprises. Like, am I really as much German as everyone says? I’ve been told we’re German and Irish. Secretly, I am hoping for a surprise that no one else in my family knew about.