Hey all! I know it’s been a while since I’ve been around, but it’s just been so hot I don’t want to do anything besides lay around & watch King Of The Hill. No lie.
Since the last time I wrote anything, I’m officially 33! We were suppose to go to Las Vegas for my birthday but due to Covid, that didn’t happen. So my mom ended up coming over for lunch. On my birthday we always go to dinner and see a movie. We couldn’t do that so we ordered sushi from a place we’ve never had & watched a movie from Amazon Prime.

This is what Jason got me for my birthday. A Michael Myers bobble head!
Now I want to talk about the bummer stuff. Covid. The USA is just ridiculous. Everything has become a political fight, even wearing masks. There’s a massive movement against science for some reason – I DON’T UNDERSTAND!
Science has shown that masks are greatly effective in protecting yourself and others from covid or passing it along. The government won’t issue a nationwide mask mandate, and some governors won’t issue one either. I mean the governor of Georgia filed against any county/city being able to issue their own mask mandate. The governor of Ohio (where I live) was ahead of everything in the early stages but now it’s almost as if he’s done with it. He hasn’t issues a mask mandate and is just asking everyone nicely to wear a mask. That isn’t working. I’m hoping he figured out it’s time to stop being nice.
A lot of stores are starting to put their own mask mandates in effect to protect their employees from testing positive. Which I am thankful for but I feel bad for those people who have to stand at the door and tell people they have to wear a mask to enter.
I wear a mask my whole shift at work and I work in a damn kitchen. It gets hot in there, but there I am wearing my mask because I understand how dangerous this virus is. I just wish everyone would understand this isn’t a hoax – yes, there are many people who think that.
The USA is pretty much a shit show right now.
Okay on a bright note, I finally was able to get my new sewing machine! I snatched one quick while they were in stock. I ended up getting the same one my mom has so I can ask her random questions about how to use it. I’ve sewn a few things – mostly masks – and I love it so far. I have so many projects still cut out from when Ohio went into shutdown. I have a feeling we’re heading toward another shutdown (which we should be!) so I’m planning on stocking up on fabric and thread after work tomorrow to keep me busy.
I know this is a rambling and short post, but I just wanted to say I’m still alive! I’ll be doing a big movie post this weekend, I hope!
I think it’s the same in Canada. Nova Scotia just announced mandatory masks on transit, school buses, taxi’s etc and then followed a few days later with all indoor public places and the nasty and political responses to it were amazing. People just don’t want to be told what to do or what’s “best for them” plain and simple. Anyway, sorry to hear you couldn’t go to Las Vegas for your birthday but glad you had a good time all the same. Happy belated birthday!