It’s nearing the time of watching those good old horror films for people who don’t live Halloween all year long. I’ve been in love with horror and Halloween since I was young. My aunt always threw these massive Halloween parties and the earliest film I can remember seeing is Halloween 4. Both are just a part of me now.
I find my happy place is those films I grew up with. You know, the ones that are getting remade every year for some reason. It upsets me and I usually don’t watch the remake. There are 2 reasons I’ll watch a remake: 1) someone else wants to see it. 2) There is a director/producer/actor involved in the film that I adore. Reason 2 is why I’ve seen and own the remake of I Spit On Your Grave (Chad Lindberg).
There are a lot of people who watch horror to get that spooky feeling, to be scared of every noise in the house. As I stated before, I am not one of these people. Even though I am not, I still enjoy a good scare every now and then. The hard thing is trying to find something that actually scares me, or at least gives me the creeps. I set out on a mission to figure out what films scare me.
This mission was a hard one so I went to facebook and asked everyone what films scare them – or at least gives them the creeps. I received a few replies and it helped me really start thinking about films. In the end I was able to come up with five films.
So here we go. Here are the four films that scare me – or at least creep me out. (In no real order)
Pet Sematary (1989) [IMDB]

I’m sure a lot of people have this on their creepy list for the same reason, the sister scene. I do not. I first seen this film when I was probably too young to watch it. What can I say, growing up in the 90’s was different. Anyways, seeing it as young as I did (maybe 10) it traumatized me. Really just one actor/character did. The character I’m talking about is Victor Pascow. I still, to this day, have issues with that character. This just shows how effective Stephen King’s writing and vision for this story is. Now I can’t speak about the remake because as I stated before I don’t watch those really on my own.
The Sixth Sense (1999) [IMDB]

I just recently watched The Sixth Sense for the first time in 10+ years. There were two major parts of this film that scared me when I was younger. The hanging scene and the maggot scene. The feel and the story of the film I actually love. It has been and will always be one of my favorites.
The Purge (2013) [IMDB]

This film is a very straightforward scare, especially considering the current climate in the US. I would honestly say all of the films in this series are scary as hell.
Sinister (2012) [IMDB]

It all comes down to the way this film is set up, I think, when it comes to why it scares me. I tried rewatching the trailer before writing this and I had a hard time getting through it. It’s the only film I have issues with watching while it’s still daylight outside.
I have never been one for horror movies other than around this time of year. I will watch ones that are more psychological thriller type horror movies or ghost/haunting movies but never been a fan of the pet cemetery or Friday the thirteenth type ones. But this year my parent’s are putting up a big movie screen and projector they bought on amazon and we are going to watch movies outside around the campfire all night.